

This section has alternative translations one, two.

It was said earlier, that the left part determines argument definitions subset, with which this sentence can be used. But now we have examined only subsets cases that consist of one element.

Refal allows writing expressions on the left part (exact definition of “expression” concern will be given later), which, besides obviously provided symbols, contain unknown undefined fragments – variables.

Set of values, which variables can assume, are defined with variables type. There are three variables types in Refal: s-, t- and e-variables. T-variables will be described later, when we will learn about structure brackets.

Value of s-variables or symbol variables can be any single symbol. Value of e-variable or expression variables can be any fragment of function argument, also empty (not any, in fact, but it will be discussed later).

Variables are written as variable type (s, t, e), after which goes the sign . (“dot”) and variable name-set of letters and numbers. The variable name often called a variable index.

If a variable is found in the expression not once, it is named as iterated variable and all her instances must have the same value.

Let’s examine some expressions with variables:

Variables can be both in the left and right parts of the sentence. In this case in the right part of the sentence can be used only those variables, which are in the left part.

Now we should specify the process of function execution on Refal.

  1. The sentence is chosen. In its left part it should be possible to get a function argument by changing variables on some values. If there are some sentences like that, the one with the least number is chosen. If there are no such sentences, the program is finished with recognition impossible.
  2. The variables values are fixed. They should be so, that putting them in the left side of the chosen sentence, it turns in function argument. If there are some expressions like that, one will be fixed, which allows the left e-variable to get the shortest value; if it does not reject the indoubt, the next e-variable will be examined and so on (in the next chapter we will examine this process more concrete).
  3. In the right part of the chosen sentence variables are changed into their values. After that functions in the right part are counted.

In the next chapter this process will be examined in more details and more formally.

Example 5. Now, having got the new knowledge, we can simplify function IsEqual:

IsEqual {
  e.Equal '=' e.Equal = 'True';
  e.Left '=' e.Right = 'False';

It can be seen that firstly the function was cut from 16 to 2 sentences, secondly, its domain set has become wider – it takes not only pairs of binary integers, but also any expressions, which contains sign '='.

The first sentence of its function can be used with any sentences which contain at least one equal mark, and also can be divided so, that the part which was before this sign '=', will be similar to the part which goes after it.

The second sentence can be used with any argument, which contains equal mark.

Obviously, for the arguments with the type ‘ab=ab' it is possible to use both sentences-the first, because before and after sign '=' there are equal expressions, the second, because it contains equal mark. However, as it was said above, preceding sentences have a priority on forthcoming, so that the first sentence will process only the cases of equal parts, and the second will get all the others (non-equal).

After interchanging positions of both sentences, the function result (on its domain set) will always be 'False'.

Example 6. IsPalindrome function, which checks whether the function argument is a palindrome or not.

IsPalindrome {
  s.OneSymbol = 'True';
  /* empty */ = 'True';
  s.Equal e.Middle s.Equal = <IsPalindrome e.Middle>;
  e.Other = 'False';

The definition of this function can be read the following way: the line which consists of one symbol is a palindrome. The empty line is also a palindrome. The line which starts and ends on the same symbol is a palindrome if the middle part of the line is also a palindrome. Any other line can’t be a palindrome.

The definition of functions on FL can often be read as mathematical definitions.

Example 8. We write an add option for two binary integers of undefined length. Functions on Refal commit one argument, but here we want to pass two of them. In the first variant off add option we avoided this complexity by expressing function into two symbols. Now we should pass two expressions of undefined length. Each of arguments can consist only of symbols such as '0' and '1', so that it is possible to put any symbol between them, except zero and one – using it is will be possible to define the end of one argument and the beginning of another argument. We will use the '+' symbol for clarity.

Note. Later we will know about really easy, effective and general way of argument division.

BinAdd {
  e.Num1 '0' '+' e.Num2 '0' = <BinAdd e.Num1 '+' e.Num2> '0';
  e.Num1 '0' '+' e.Num2 '1' = <BinAdd e.Num1 '+' e.Num2> '1';
  e.Num1 '1' '+' e.Num2 '0' = <BinAdd e.Num1 '+' e.Num2> '1';
  e.Num1 '1' '+' e.Num2 '1'
    = <BinAdd <BinAdd e.Num1 '+' '1'> '+' e.Num2> '0';
  /* empty */ '+' e.Num2 = e.Num2;
  e.Num1 '+' /* empty */ = e.Num1;

It is not difficult to see that function implements columnar addition of binary integers. If the last numeric symbols of both digits are '1' and '1', then there is a transposition in the next place – this extending 1 adds to the first argument.

Intermediate conclusions

Let’s summarize:

Translation to English of this hunk of paper is prepared by Yarullina Diana 190471@list.ru at 2018-01-17

Structure brackets

This section has alternative translations one, two.

Mathematically examined Refal subset is enough for writing an algorithm of any complexity.(look [4, lection No. 6]). However, practically it is not enough: examined forms allow working only with “flat” symbols lines, meanwhile some non-trivial algorithms need also hierarchically organized data.

What is data hierarchy? It is a possibility to work with a data fragment as with one object, abstracting from its inner complex structure. For example, we can work with text document like with file: transport it from one folder to another, copy, delete, not thinking about whether there are text, tables, pictures etc. in it. On defined hierarchy level it does not matter.

In order to work with an expression as with one object in Refal, it is put in brackets, which are called structure brackets. Such object is called bracket term, it can be a part of another expression, which can also be in brackets. In this way hierarchically nested data are built. Symbols, which we examined previously, are also terms. So, the expression on Refal consists of terms, each of which can be either a symbol or a brackets term, which has another Rrefal expression in it.

As distinct to round, structure brackets, angle brackets of a function call in the right parts of sentences are called evaluation brackets, activation brackets and function call brackets (all these phrases are synonyms).

Example 8. Expression

('abc') 'def' (('ghi') 'j' ('klm') ()) 'nop' ((('rst')))

Consists of 9 terms. The first – brackets term,contains expression of three symbol terms in it, next three – type signs 'def', the next-brackets term again, which consists of three brackets terms and one symbol, and the last bracket term contain an empty expression.

Brackets should necessarily make the correct brackets structure both in the left and in the right part of the sentence in Refal expression. In the right part of the sentence circle and angle brackets mustn’t overlap on each other.

Let’s make our new knowledge about variables more concrete.

Example 9. Let’s make Pushkin’s genealogy as an expression on Refal. Each person of genealogy will be mapped to the brackets term, which contains the person’s name and two terms: mother and father. And if the ancestor is known, it is displayed the same way, otherwise, sign '?' will be used. So, each person can be matched with the pattern

(e.Name t.Father t.Mother)

The genealogy:

  'Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin'
    'Sergey Lvovich Pushkin'
      'Lev Aleksandrovich Pushkin'
      '?'   /* unknown father */
        'Evdokia Ivanovna Golovin'
        '?' /* unknown father */
        '?' /* unknown mother */
      'Olga Vasilievna Chicherina'
      ('Vasily Ivanovich Chicherin??')
      '?'   /* unknown mother */
    'Nadezhda Ossipovna Pushkina (Gannibal)'
      'Ossip Abramovich Gannibal'
      ('Abram Petrovich Gannibal (The Moor of Peter the Great)??')
      ('Christina Regina von Sioberg??')
    ('Maria Alekseevna Pushkina??')

Note. In fact, Pushkin’s biography is known more detailed, but for making it clear some foregoers were missed on different hierarchy levels.

Example 10. Let’s write the function, which takes the genealogy tree and foregoer branch as characters string like 'MFFM…' – where 'M' means ‘mother’, 'F' – father and finds the foregoer.

For example, 'F' – father, 'FF' – grandfather on father’s line, 'MM' – grandmother on mother’s line, 'FM'- grandmother on father’s line, 'FMM' - great-grandmother on grandmother on father’s line, empty expression – the person.

FindAncestor {
  /* advancing on the father line */
  (e.Name t.Father t.Mother) 'F' e.Branch
    = <FindAncestor t.Father e.Branch>;

  /* advancing on the mother line */
  (e.Name t.Father t.Mother) 'M' e.Branch
    = <FindAncestor t.Mother e.Branch>;

  /* an unknown character has unknown the ancestors */
  '?' e.Branch = '?';

  /* Branch ended – the person you are looking for is the current */
  (e.Name t.Father t.Mother) /* empty branch */ = e.Name;

In other words, in order to find a foregoer on father’s line in genealogy, (branch starts with 'F…'), we should take father’s genealogy (t.Father field) and find a foregoer in it (having thrown the branches 'F' from the beginning – that is what the first sentence makes. The second sentence is similar.

If the genealogy is not known on some level, then any foregoer will not be known – this case is worked with the third sentence. If the branch is empty (clearly shown empty branch or one that has been made empty after some iterations), then the root of this genealogy is desired person-the last forth sentence.

Example 11. Let’s write the program, which prints out some Pushkin’s foregoers (pushkin.ref).

  = <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FF'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FFF'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'MFF'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'MFM'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'F'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FM'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FMF'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FMFM'>>

FindAncestor {
  …see above…

Pushkin {
  = (
      'Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin'
        'Sergey Lvovich Pushkin'
          'Lev Aleksandrovich Pushkin'
          '?'   /* unknown father */
            'Evdokia Ivanovna Golovin'
            '?' /* unknown father */
            '?' /* unknown mother */
          'Olga Vasilievna Chicherina'
          ('Vasily Ivanovich Chicherin??')
          '?'   /* unknown mother */
        'Nadezhda Ossipovna Pushkina (Gannibal)'
          'Ossip Abramovich Gannibal'
          ('Abram Petrovich Gannibal (The Moor of Peter the Great)??')
          ('Christina Regina von Sioberg??')
        ('Maria Alekseevna Pushkina??')

Function Pushkin consists of one sentence – in any argument it brings the constant back. In other words, it is the definition of constant. The other should be clear.

Note (from Russian version of tutorial). The foregoers names are written in translit – on some operating systems printing Cyrillic characters out on the screen does not work or works not correctly. It will be corrected in the new versions.

For compilation and starting the program on Windows enter:

rlc pushkin.ref

On Linux:

rlc pushkin.ref

The program should print the following:

Lev Aleksandrovich Pushkin
Abram Petrovich Gannibal (The Moor of Peter the Great)
Christina Regina von Sioberg
Sergey Lvovich Pushkin
Olga Vasilievna Chicherina
Vasily Ivanovich Chicherin

Previously, when we wanted to call the function with some arguments, we expressed them by dividing with some sign, which can’t be into arguments (for example, '=' in function IsEqual or '+' in function BinAdd). More correct practice in expressing some arguments is putting them in brackets terms. For example, if function takes 3 arguments of any length – we will denote them as e.1, e.2, e.3, – they can be expressed as (e.1) e.2 (e.3), e.1 (e.2) (e.3), (e.1) (e.2) e.3 and (e.1) (e.2) (e.3). The last variant is putting each argument in bracket term is over-posted, but sometimes it makes programs more clear.

If N arguments are expressed in function, it is enough to put in brackets only N-1 arguments.

In the next chapter we will see that putting arguments in brackets instead of divider signs not only easier (it is not necessari to create a divider sign), but also more effective from the point of time spent on program realization.

Now functions IsEqual and BinAdd can be written the following way:

IsEqual {
  (e.X) (e.X) = 'True';
  (e.X) (e.Y) = 'False';

BinAdd {
  (e.Num1 '0') e.Num2 '0' = <BinAdd (e.Num1) e.Num2> '0';
  (e.Num1 '0') e.Num2 '1' = <BinAdd (e.Num1) e.Num2> '1';
  (e.Num1 '1') e.Num2 '0' = <BinAdd (e.Num1) e.Num2> '1';
  (e.Num1 '1') e.Num2 '1' = <BinAdd (<BinAdd (e.Num1) '1'>) e.Num2> '0';
  (/* empty */) e.Num2 = e.Num2;
  (e.Num1) /* empty */ = e.Num1;

Translation to English of this hunk of paper is prepared by Yarullina Diana 190471@list.ru at 2018-01-17

Abstract refal-machine. The semantics of the view field.

This section has alternative translations one, two.

Earlier we said that functions in the right part of the sentence after substitution of variables are somehow evaluated. Now it’s time to specify that precisely because without this it is impossible to write efficient programs and to debug programs in Refal-5λ.

It is said that the program on Refal is performed by the abstract Refal-machine, which is an imaginary computing machine, that understands the syntax of programs on Refal. This machine has two memory areas: the program field that stores all definitions of the program functions, and view field that stores the current state of computing. The state of the computation is described as active expressions of the language Refal, which contains activation brackets, but it cannot contain variables.

Refal-machine implements the program by doing steps. Every step is the following sequence of actions:

  1. Refal machine finds in the view field of the left-most pair of parentheses activation, that the inside of this call aren’t any of other angle brackets. This area of the view field is called primary active sub-expression.
  2. Refal machine finds out, what is to the right of the left bracket of activation: there must be a function name. If it’s not there (the language allows you to write such a program), the Refal machine will stop with an error “recognition impossible”.
  3. Refal machine finds a function name in program fields. The function can be written not only on Refal, but also built in. If the function is built in, Refal-machine transfers control to the procedure in the native code, that implements the logic of the function. If the function is written on Refal, the machine selects the first function clause.
  4. If it is possible to select such values of the variables in the left part of the current sentence, that it will appeal to the argument of the function, step 5 will be implemented. Otherwise, the following sentence will be chosen and step 4 will be repeated. If there are no more sentences, the Refal machine will stop with an error “recognition impossible“.
  5. The retrieved values of variables are substituted to the right part of the current sentence. The obtained expression is inserted by Refal-machine into the view field on the place of the primary active subexpression.
  6. If the view field parenthesis activation are left, Refal-machine performs the next step – returns to step 1. Otherwise, the Refal machine is correctly completed.

The initial content of the view field is to call a GO function with an empty argument:


if the program defines a function of GO, or call Go:


if you define a function Go. If neither that, nor another function exists, then the program will not start.


  1. Classic REFAL-5 does not support empty function, any function must be at least one sentence. Refal-5λ supports – the call of such a function leads to an error of impossible recognition.
  2. Current implementation at the time of creation of the program cannot check, if the function GO or Go is written in the program or not. In this case, you will create a program that by running displays an error message and terminates. Perhaps this will be fixed in the next version.

From this algorithm, we can make two important conclusions.

First, the left-most pair of quotes is selected as the primary active sub-expression, that does not contain other activation brackets. Subsequently, Refal is an applicative language, with the clearly defined order of evaluation of functions: from left to right. It means, that if you’ve written several calls to functions in the right part of the sentence, they will be evaluated left-to-right, from the most internal to the most external. So we can use functions with side effect (for example, Prout) and clearly know, when this side effect will occur.

Second, from the semantics of the view field directly follows that Refal implements the so-called optimization of tail recursion.

In many imperative programming languages, recursion is quite expensive – it requires overhead for storing the context of the computation point, where the process of implementation should return after the back call. Moreover, the memory is extra from the limited area – the system stack. The programmer usually cannot control the amount of system stack and by overflow the program aborts. Therefore, you should not use the recursion in such languages for implementing a cyclic repetitive action (especially in an imperative language for this purpose cycle operator exists).

There is no need for Refal functions to save the context of the computation to return a value, since it makes a recursive call to the function complete before the next recursive call. This means that if a recursive call in the right part of the sentence is performed last in the view field, unfinished calculations will not accumulate. In fact, instead of the recursion (nested contexts) the cycle will occur.

Example 13. Will we illustrate this with a simple example considering the process of calculating the function Fab, replacing all characters 'a' to the letter 'b' (program fab-1.ref):

  = <Prout <Fab 'abracadabra'>>;

Fab {
  'a' e.Rest = 'b' <Fab e.Rest>;
  s.Other e.Rest = s.Other <Fab e.Rest>;
  /* empty */ = /* empty */;

The initial contents of the view field is a function Go call:


In the first step Refal-machine will find the call (it will be the primary active sub-expression), will see the name Go after < and will find in program field the function Go. The function is called with an empty argument, the first sentence has an empty left part. There aren’t any variables in the left and right side, so the Refal-machine will simply replace the call <Go> to the right part of the sentence:

  <Prout <Fab 'abracadabra'>>

The primary active sub-expression here is the call to the function Fab, since it does not contain nested parentheses activation (call Prout contains on a parenthesis activate the call Fab).

Refal-machine will see Fab after < and try to match the argument 'abracadabra' with the left part of the first sentence 'a' e.Rest. Recognition is possible: if instead of e.Rest, 'bracadabra' can be substituted, and the left side would turn into an argument. The specified substitution (e.Rest → 'bracadabra') Refal-machine applies to the right part of the sentence and it turns into the expression 'b' <Fab 'bracadabra'> and replaces the function call in the expression:

<Prout 'b' <Fab 'bracadabra'>>

In the third step, the primary active subexpression will again call the function Fab. But the left part of the first sentence is impossible to identify with the argument: the pattern starts with 'a', but argument – with 'b'. Next the second sentence is selected. The recognition is possible: there exists a substitution of variables s.Other → 'b', e.Rest → 'racadabra'. The substitution is applied to the right part, the result of the substitution ('b' <Fab 'racadabra'>) gets inserted into the view field in place of the primary active subexpression:

<Prout 'bb' <Fab 'racadabra'>>

The next few steps are performed in the same way:

<Prout 'bbr' <Fab 'acadabra'>>
<Prout 'bbrb' <Fab 'cadabra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbc' <Fab 'adabra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcb' <Fab 'dabra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcbd' <Fab 'abra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcbdb' <Fab 'bra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcbdbb' <Fab 'ra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcbdbbr' <Fab 'a'>>

At this stage Refal-machine will execute the first sentence of the function Fab, substitution is interesting because e.Rest will get an empty expression.

<Prout 'bbrbcbdbbrb' <Fab>>

In this case Refal-machine will also execute the function of Fab, but the first sentence is not appropriate (it is impossible to identify an expression that starts with 'a', with an empty expression), and the second too (it’s impossible to identify an expression that starts with an empty symbol). But the third sentence matches (an empty left part is successfully identified with an empty argument). And Refal-machine will replace the function call <Fab> with an empty right part of the third sentence:

<Prout 'bbrbcbdbbrb'>

Now the primary active subexpression is a function call Prout. Refal-machine will notice that it is an built in function and will call a corresponding machine procedure to calculate the result. Machine procedure will print on the screen bbrbcbdbbrb and will return an empty expression. The empty expression is replaced by a call Prout in sight.

The view field will be empty, Refal-machine will correctly stop.

Translation to English of this hunk of this paper is prepared by Ksenia Kalinina ks-kalinina@mail.ru at 2018-01-18

Tail and not tail recursion

This section has alternative translations one, two.

With tail recursion, as mentioned above, the recursive call on the right side is the last one. Let’s clearly demonstrate why. Let’s consider function Rec1 which carries out a call of function F in the right part and itself:

Rec1 {
  continued = <F ...> <Rec1 ...>;
  end = rec1-res;

The development of the view field will look something like this:

<Rec1 ...>
<F ...> <Rec1 ...>
f-res <Rec1 ...>
f-res <F ...> <Rec1 ...>
f-res f-res <Rec1 ...>
. . . . .
f-res f-res .... f-res rec1-res

We can see that the non-recurrent function calls are not accumulating anywhere. At each step, before calling Rec1, a call F is placed, which ends before the call to Rec1.

Consider the function Rec2, which is slightly different from the function Rec1:

Rec2 {
  continuation = <Rec2 ...> <F ...>;
  end = rec2-res

Here, on the contrary, Rec2 is first called, then F. And the view field will develop quite differently:

<Rec2 ...>
<Rec2 ...> <F ...>
<Rec2 ...> <F ...> <F ...>
. . . . . .
<Rec2 ...> <F ...> <F ...> ... <F ...>
rec2-res <F ...> <F ...> ... <F ...>
rec2-res f-res <F ...> ... <F ...>
. . . . . .
rec2-res f-res ... f-res <F ...>
rec2-res f-res ... f-res f-res

Here, unencumbered calls F are accumulated, and they accumulate until the function Rec2 ceases to call itself recursively.

Similarly, it turns out with nested calls of functions. Recursion in the function Rec3 is tail:

Rec3 {
  continuation = <Rec3 ... <F ...> ...>;
  end = rec3-res;

<Rec3 ...>
<Rec3 ... <F ...> ...>
<Rec3 ... f-res ...>
<Rec3 ... <F ...> ...>
. . . . .
<Rec3 ... f-res ...>

Recursion in the function of Rec4 is not tail:

Rec4 {
  continuation = <F ... <Rec4 ...> ...>;
  end = rec4-res;

<Rec4 ...>
<F ... <Rec4 ...> ...>
<F ... <F ... <Rec4 ...> ...> ...>
. . . . . .
<F ... <F ... ... <F ... rec4-res ...> ... ...> ...>
. . . . . .
<F ... <F ... f-res ...> ...>
<F ... f-res ...>

Text above doesn’t mean that the tail recursion is always good, and the not tail recursion is always bad. It is just important to understand that in the first case the process is cyclic, the view field at each iteration returns to a similar state, and in the second case it grows.

In what follows we shall speak of tail recursion as cycles. There are no classical imperative cycles in Refal-5λ, so this terminology should not cause confusion. It is simply really more convenient to speak in such cases about cyclic processes, use the term iteration, etc.

Translation to English of this paper and Markdown is prepared by Liudmila Markova luckymarkin@gmail.com at 2018-01-18