
Basis of programming in Refal, Basic Refal

This chapter is an informal introduction to Refal-5λ, which is accessible even to a beginner or a programming beginner. In the next chapter (manual) of this article, we will look at this issue in a more formal way.

Basic Refal Syntax

The term Basic Refal is commonly referred to a Refal semantic subset, which function sentences consist of two parts, the variables can be s-, t- or e- typed (there are no Refal-2 qualifiers) and symbol types include only literal characters, numbers and words.

The Basic Refal subset is semantic. That means that a specific syntax form of the considered structures may be quite different in diverse dialects and implementations (e.g. the Refal-2 syntax is widely different from the Refal-5 syntax). But these listed expressive means exist in the language.

Hello, World! Program

In the previous chapter, we’ve managed to compile and to run a program hello.ref, which printed out a string “Hello, World!”. Let us learn how to read and understand its source code.

$ENTRY Go {                                 /* 1 */
  /* empty */ = <Prout 'Hello, World!'>;    /* 2 */
}                                           /* 3 */

Attentive readers have noticed that this program differs from the other in the previous chapter: strings starting from /* and ending at */ were added. These are comments. Any text between /* and */ is ignored by the compiler and used to clarify the program idea.

Comments, line numbering (for convenience of a quick reference from the manual text) and the word /*empty*/ were added in this program; line numbering, which emphasizes readers’ attention to the fact that there is nothing in this part of the program. It sounds strange but it will make more sense.

Comments that are restricted to /* and */ are multi-line. This means that*/ does not have to be on the same string that /*. There are not only multi-line comments but single-lined. Any string starts with the * sign (in the first column) is ignored by the compiler.

E.g. the next program is the same but filled with useless comments.

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
  tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
  veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
  commodo consequat.
$ENTRY Go {                                 /* 1 */
* At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus, qui
* blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti, quos dolores
* et quas molestias excepturi sint, obcaecati cupiditate non provident,
* similique sunt in culpa, qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est
* laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita
* distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio,
* cumque nihil impedit, quo minus id, quod maxime placeat, facere
* possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

  /* empty */ = <Prout 'Hello, World!'>;    /* 2 */
}                                           /* 3 */
* Source of the comments texts:
/* https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum */

Let’s get back to our function.

$ENTRY Go {                                 /* 1 */
  /* empty */ = <Prout 'Hello, World!'>;    /* 2 */
}                                           /* 3 */

Any program in Refal-5λ is a set of functions (it is a functional programming language after all). This program is no an exception. The Go function is defined here. The function definition is written as the name of the function followed by a block (the function body enclosed in braces: strings 1 and 3 respectively). The Go name is not coincidentally: any Refal program must have a single function definition named Go or GO. The program execution process is the function Go (or GO) with an empty argument computation.

Hieroglyphic $ENTRY will be clarified in the next sections. Just need to know that the keyword $ENTRY must precede the Go (or GO) program entry point.

There is a single function Go sentence in the second string. A sentence is a rule, which defines how to put the value of a function in a subset of arguments. A function can consist of several sentences, each ends with a ; sign (a semicolon). A semicolon may not be used at the end of the last sentence.

Any sentence consists of two parts – the left part, a pattern, which describes a value subset of the function argument that the sentence is applied to. And the right part, a result that describes the function value in the subset. The left and the right parts are divided by = (equality) sign.

Note. In the future, we will consider the extended Refal syntax, in which the sentence syntax will be more complicated.

The sentence in the program hello.ref means that it can be applied to an empty function argument only (there is nothing before the equality). The /* empty */ comment highlights the fact. The right side describes the Go function definition with an empty argument as the result of the Prout function computing. A sequence of signs Hello, World! is transferred to it. A function call in Refal is written with angle brackets < and >. The function name has to be placed after the opening brace.

The function Prout computes “emptiness” with any argument. However, its implementation has some side effects. It prints an argument. That is why it is called.

Almost all Refal programs are written actually for these side effects. After calculating the Go (or GO) function the result is discarded and the program is completed. The user sees only what was displayed on the screen by the function Prout, recorded to files or transferred “out” of the computing process by other ways.

Note. There are exceptions. On the one hand, these are automated tests (autotests) – programs that launch the testing function, check its result and are finalized. If this verification is successful the program silently terminates. In another case the program crashes with an error. The tests run environment can distinguish between these two cases and inform the user about failed launches. Another example is research in the field of automatic program conversion and verification (e.g. by supercompilation). In this case, an interesting math function is written in Refal. It is fed to the tool (e.g Refal-5 supercompiler SCP4 ([1], [2], [3])) and then the conversion result or the function analysis are examined. Researches in the field of tool development is one of the most important Refal application today.

The function Prout is one of the functions that is included in the language standard library. And it is implicitly available for use in any program. In classic Refal-5 it is built in function that means it is implicitly defined in any program. However, Refal-5λ allows us to write programs in which a standard library is not used.

Interim conclusions – what have we seen in hello.ref

Let us conclude what we have learned by now.

The program execution is the function Go with an empty argument computing. The function call is written with angular brackets. The empty value is written as an empty space. That means that the Refal program execution is the same thing as the function <Go> or <Go /*empty*/> call. In the first case, we haven’t written anything (we have attached one to the other) between the function name Go and the closing brace >. In the second case, we have stuck a comment for illustration. A function call with an empty argument is usually written without a comment inside.

Examples of other programs.

Programs with several sentences

Before moving to other examples, we have to explain the syntax that is not reflected in the hello.ref listing.

First, Refal is a language with free syntax. The transition to a new line is exactly the same non-space character as space or tab. A pair of exceptions - the opening and closing quote marks should be placed in one line (the line break can not be placed inside a sequence of characters) and the line feed character completes a one-line comment by definition.

Secondly, each of the characters inside the single quote marks is autonomous. The following entries are equivalent: 'Hello', 'Hel' 'lo', 'H' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o'.

Thirdly, the function name can be any sequence of letters, numbers, signs _ (“dash”) and - (“hyphens”), starting with a dash or a letter. For example, Go, Hello, A-plus-B, _remove_file, ANSWER_42. Lowercase and uppercase letters are different, i.e. the names hello, Hello and HELLO are different.

Note. The classical REFAL-5 implementation does not support names that begin with a dash.

Example 1. Let’s write a function that adds two binary digits.

BinAdd {
  '0' '0' = '0';
  '0' '1' = '1';
  '1' '0' = <BinAdd '0' '1'>;
  '1' '1' = '10';

The left-hand parts of the sentences could be written together, for example '00'. It would not affect the program’s performance because they were written separately for readability.

It is easy to understand that the first sentence is applicable when the function argument is '00', i.e. the result of the calling <BinAdd '00'> will be '0'. Everything is clear with the second and fourth sentence too.

The third sentence suggests that the result of the function <BinAdd '10'> calling is exactly the same as the <BinAdd '01'>, changing the order of the addends does not change the sum. It was possible to write on the right side '1' at once, but the function call was added to the right part for demonstrating the call itself.

The definition scope of this function will be pairs of characters '00', '01', '10', '11'. When you try to call this function with an argument outside the definition area, the program crashes (an impossible assimilation error, «recognition impossible»).

Example 2. Let’s write a function that subtracts two binary digits.

BinSub {
  '0' '0' = '0';
  '1' '1' = '0';
  '1' '0' = '1';
  '0' '1' = '-' <BinSub '1' '0'>;

Everything is the same here, except for the last sentence. In the right part of the fourth sentence, a minus sign is written, followed by a function BinSub call. What does it mean? This means that the result of the function <BinSub '0' '1'> calling will be the '-' sign, followed by the result of the computation of <BinSub '1' '0'>'1'. It means that the result of <BinSub '0' '1'> will be equal to '-' '1' or '-1'.

Example 3. Let’s write a function that checks the equality of two binary numbers that are not greater than 2 (ie 10 in binary notation) and not less than -1. We assume that both numbers in the function argument are separated by the '=' sign.

IsEqual {
  '-1=-1' = 'True'; '-1=0' = 'False'; '-1=1' = 'False'; '-1=10' = 'False';

  '0=-1' = 'False'; '0=0' = 'True'; '0=1' = 'False'; '0=10' = 'True';

  '1=-1' = 'False'; '1=0' = 'False'; '1=1' = 'True'; '1=10' = 'False';

  '10=-1' = 'False'; '10=0' = 'False'; '10=1' = 'True'; '10=10' = 'True';

Yes, it’s boring. Yes, it’s long. Later we will see how to shorten this entry.

Example 4. Let’s write a function Go that demonstrates the addition commutability and the subtract noncommutability.

  = <Prout '1+0=0+1? ' <IsEqual <BinAdd '1' '0'> '=' <BinAdd '0' '1'>>>
    <Prout '1-0=0-1? ' <IsEqual <BinSub '1' '0'> '=' <BinSub '0' '1'>>>;

Functions BinAdd, BinSub, IsEqual and Go can be put in one file (let’s call it binmath-1.ref) and compiled with the following command:

rlc binmath-1.ref

then you get an executable file binmath-1.exe (or binmath-1 on unix-like) that will print on startup

1+0=0+1? True
1-0=0-1? False

We have considered functions that have different but fixed values in the left-hand parts of the sentences in this chapter. The function domain of such functions are obviously all the enumerated values of the samples. It is clear that it is hell of a lot for writing non-trivial programs: you can set only functions with a finite definition domain and you have to write a sentence for each of the argument values. This led to the fact that even such a simple function as IsEqual required as many as 16 sentences.

We will learn how to write functions with an infinite definition domain in the next section.

An attentive reader had probably the question: what happens if several sentences have the same left parts? Is it a syntax error? The answer is: it will not. If several sentences in the function argument become applicable, the one that is written above would have priority. For example, the result of calling <F 'A'> will be '1', not '3':

F {
  'A' = '1';
  'B' = '2';
  'A' = '3';

The first sentence have priority over the third.


This section has alternative translations one, two.

The left-hand side defines an argument values subset at which this sentence is applicable, as noted above. We have considered only cases of subsets consisting of one single element by now.

Refal allows us to write in the left parts of expressions (the exact definition of the term “expression” will be given later), which contain unknown random fragments – variables – in addition to explicitly set.

The variable type determines the values sets that variables can take. There are three types of variables in Refal: s-, t- and e-variables. We will consider the t-variables later, when we study the structural brackets.

The value of an s-variable or a symbol variable can be any single symbol. The value of an e-variable or an expression variable can be any fragment of the function argument, including empty (not any but it will be considered later).

A variable is written as a sign of (s, t, e) type, followed by a sign . (“point”) and the variable name is a sequence of letters and numbers. The variable name is often called the variable index.

If the variable appears several times in the expression, then it is called repeated. All its occurrences must have the same value.

Let’s consider some expressions with variables:

Variables can appear both in the left part of the sentence and in the right part. In this case, only those variables that are in the left can be used on the right side of the sentence.

We need to clarify the process of Refal function execution now.

  1. A sentence is selected from the left side in which you can get the function argument by changing the variables in it to some values. If there are several such sentences, then the one with the smallest number is selected. If there wasn’t such sentence, then the program ends with an error of recognition impossible.
  2. The variables values are fixed when they request to the function argument when they are placed in the left part of the selected sentence. If there are several such sets of variables values (permutations), then it is fixed the one in which the leftmost e-variable takes the shortest value. If it does not resolve ambiguities, then the next e-variable is considered and so on (in the next section we will look at this process in detail).
  3. The variables are replaced by their values on the right side of the selected sentence. Then the functions on the right are calculated.

This process will be considered in detail and formally in the next chapter.

Example 5. Now we are equipped with the weapons of knowledge, we can simplify the function IsEqual:

IsEqual {
  e.Equal '=' e.Equal = 'True';
  e.Left '=' e.Right = 'False';

You see that, firstly, the function has been reduced from 16 sentences to two, and secondly, its definition domain has been significantly expanded. It takes not only pairs of binary numbers, but any expressions containing the '=' sign.

The first sentence of the function is applicable to any expressions that contain at least one equality sign. They can be divided so that the preceding the '=' sign part will match the following one.

The second sentence is applicable to any argument containing an equality sign.

Both sentences are obviously applicable for the arguments of the 'ab = ab' form. The first has the same expressions before and after the '=' sign. The second, because it has the equality sign. As stated, the preceding sentences have priority over the following ones, therefore the first sentence will process cases of equal “halves”, and the second will receive the rest (unequal).

If both statements are interchanged, the result of the function (on its definition domain) will be always ‘False’.

Example 6. The IsPalindrome function, which checks if the function argument is a palindrome.

IsPalindrome {
  s.OneSymbol = 'True';
  /* empty */ = 'True';
  s.Equal e.Middle s.Equal = <IsPalindrome e.Middle>;
  e.Other = 'False';

The definition of this function can be read as follows. A string of one character is a palindrome. An empty string is also a palindrome. A string that starts and ends with the same symbol is a palindrome if the “middle” part of the string is also a palindrome. Any other string is not a palindrome.

The function definitions on a functional language often can be read as mathematical definitions.

Example 7. Let’s write the addition function of two binary numbers with arbitrary length. Refal functions take one argument, but here we want to transmit two. In the first version of the addition function, we avoided this difficulty by transmitting two symbols to the function. Now we need to transfer two expressions with arbitrary length. Each argument can be composed of the signs '0' and '1' only. So you can put any character between them, except for zero and one – by it you can figure out where one argument ends and another starts. We will use the symbol '+' for clarity.

Note. Later we will learn a much simpler, efficient and universal way of arguments separating.

BinAdd {
  e.Num1 '0' '+' e.Num2 '0' = <BinAdd e.Num1 '+' e.Num2> '0';
  e.Num1 '0' '+' e.Num2 '1' = <BinAdd e.Num1 '+' e.Num2> '1';
  e.Num1 '1' '+' e.Num2 '0' = <BinAdd e.Num1 '+' e.Num2> '1';
  e.Num1 '1' '+' e.Num2 '1'
    = <BinAdd <BinAdd e.Num1 '+' '1'> '+' e.Num2> '0';
  /* empty */ '+' e.Num2 = e.Num2;
  e.Num1 '+' /* empty */ = e.Num1;

Its easy to see that the function implements the two binary numbers columnar addition. If the last digits of both numbers are ‘1’ and ‘1’, then the next digit is transferred. This extra unit is added to the first argument.

Interim conclusions

Let’s sum up:

Structure brackets

This section has alternative translations one, two.

A purely mathematically studied Refal subset is sufficient for writing any complex algorithm (see [4, Lecture No. 6]). But this is not enough in practice: the studied tools allow us to work with “flat” strings characters only, whereas many non-trivial algorithms require hierarchically organized data.

What is a data hierarchy? It is an opportunity to work with some piece of data as one object, by abstracting from its internal complex structure. For example, we can work with a text document as a file: move it from folder to folder, copy, erase, and don’t care about text, tables, pictures, etc. inside it. This does not interest us at a certain level of hierarchy.

In order to work in Refal with an expression as a single object, it is enclosed in parenthesis, which are called structure brackets. Such an object called bracket term can be the part of another expression, which can be also enclosed in brackets. Hierarchical nested data are built in Refal this way. The symbols we considered before are also terms. In this way, a Refal expression consists of terms each of which can be either a symbol or a bracket term that contains another expression in Refal.

Unlike round, structure brackets the angle brackets of the function call in the right parts of the sentences are named evaluation brackets, activation brackets or call brackets (all these expressions are synonyms).

Example 8. The expression

('abc') 'def' (('ghi') 'j' ('klm') ()) 'nop' ((('rst')))

consists of 9 terms. The first term is bracketed. It contains an expression of three symbol terms, the next three are printed signs 'def', the next is a bracketed one again consisting of three bracketed terms and one symbol. Its last bracketed term contains an empty expression.

The brackets must form the correct bracket structure on both the left and right sides of the sentences in a Refal expression. In doing so, on the right side of the statements round and angle brackets can not overlap each other.

Let us clarify our understanding of variables from a perspective of our new knowledge.

Example 9. Let’s depict Pushkin’s genealogy in the form of a Refal expression. Each character of the family tree will be represented in the form of a bracket term that contains the character’s name and two terms: father and mother. If the ancestor is known it will be depicted as the same character, if not – in its place will be located the symbol ‘?’. Thus, each character can be mapped to the form sample of the form

(e.Name t.Father t.Mother)

The bloodline itself [5, 6]:

  'Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin'
    'Sergey Lvovich Pushkin'
      'Lev Aleksandrovich Pushkin'
      '?'   /* unknown father */
        'Evdokia Ivanovna Golovin'
        '?' /* unknown father */
        '?' /* unknown mother */
      'Olga Vasilievna Chicherina'
      ('Vasily Ivanovich Chicherin??')
      '?'   /* unknown mother */
    'Nadezhda Ossipovna Pushkina (Gannibal)'
      'Ossip Abramovich Gannibal'
      ('Abram Petrovich Gannibal (The Moor of Peter the Great)??')
      ('Christina Regina von Sioberg??')
    ('Maria Alekseevna Pushkina??')

Note. In fact, the A.S. Pushkin bloodline is known much deeper. For the sake of clarity some ancestors were skipped at different levels of the hierarchy here.

Example 10. Let’s write a function that takes the family tree and the ancestor branch in the form of a chain of 'MFFM…' characters – where 'M' means mother, 'F' is father and finds the corresponding ancestor.

For example, ‘F’ is father, ‘FF’ is the paternal grandfather, ‘MM’ is the maternal grandmother, ‘FM’ is the paternal grandmother, ‘FMM’ is the paternal maternal grandmother, the empty expression is the character itself.

FindAncestor {
  /* advancing on the father line */
  (e.Name t.Father t.Mother) 'F' e.Branch
    = <FindAncestor t.Father e.Branch>;

  /* advancing on the mother line */
  (e.Name t.Father t.Mother) 'M' e.Branch
    = <FindAncestor t.Mother e.Branch>;

  /* an unknown character has unknown the ancestors */
  '?' e.Branch = '?';

  /* Branch ended – the person you are looking for is the current */
  (e.Name t.Father t.Mother) /* empty branch */ = e.Name;

In other words, in order to find an ancestor on the father by the bloodline (the branch starts with 'F…'), you should take the father’s bloodline (t.Father field) and look for the ancestor in it (throwing the branch 'F'from the beginning) – this is what makes the first sentence. The second sentence is likewise.

If the bloodline is unknown at some stage, then any ancestor will be unknown. This case processes the third sentence. If the branch is empty (an empty branch is specified or it is emptied in a few iterations), then the last fourth sentence (the root of the current bloodline) is the person you are looking for.

Example 11. Let’s write a program that prints some of Pushkin’s ancestors (pushkin.ref).

  = <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FF'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FFF'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'MFF'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'MFM'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'F'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FM'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FMF'>>
    <Prout <FindAncestor <Pushkin> 'FMFM'>>

FindAncestor {
  …see above…

Pushkin {
  = (
      'Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin'
        'Sergey Lvovich Pushkin'
          'Lev Aleksandrovich Pushkin'
          '?'   /* unknown father */
            'Evdokia Ivanovna Golovin'
            '?' /* unknown father */
            '?' /* unknown mother */
          'Olga Vasilievna Chicherina'
          ('Vasily Ivanovich Chicherin??')
          '?'   /* unknown mother */
        'Nadezhda Ossipovna Pushkina (Gannibal)'
          'Ossip Abramovich Gannibal'
          ('Abram Petrovich Gannibal (The Moor of Peter the Great)??')
          ('Christina Regina von Sioberg??')
        ('Maria Alekseevna Pushkina??')

The Pushkin function consists of a single sentence that returns a constant with any argument. It means that it is the definition of the constant. The rest must be clear.

Note (from Russian version of tutorial). The ancestors’ names are written with transliteration. The output of Cyrillic alphabet on the screen does not work or works incorrectly in some operating systems. This will be fixed in the next versions.

To compile and run the program for Windows, type:

rlc pushkin.ref

For Linux:

rlc pushkin.ref

The program should print the following:

Lev Aleksandrovich Pushkin
Abram Petrovich Gannibal (The Moor of Peter the Great)
Christina Regina von Sioberg
Sergey Lvovich Pushkin
Olga Vasilievna Chicherina
Vasily Ivanovich Chicherin

We transferred the function arguments by separating them with some sign that can not appear inside the arguments (for example, '=' in the function IsEqual or '+' in the BinAdd function) when we wanted to call the function with several arguments. It is better when transferring several arguments we “wrap” them in the bracket terms. For example, if the function takes 3 arguments with a arbitrary length – let’s denote them as e.1, e.2, e.3 – then they can be transferred as (e.1) e.2 (e.3), e.1 (e .2) (e.3), (e.1) (e.2) e.3 and (e.1) (e.2) (e.3). The last option, placing each argument in the bracket term, is redundant. But sometimes it makes programs more understandable. If N arguments are transferred to the function, then it is sufficient to wrap N-1 arguments in brackets only.

We will see that wrapping arguments in brackets instead of separator characters is not only easier (you do not need to come up with a separator character), but also more efficient in terms of program execution time in the next chapter.

Now the functions IsEqual and BinAdd can be rewritten as:

IsEqual {
  (e.X) (e.X) = 'True';
  (e.X) (e.Y) = 'False';

BinAdd {
  (e.Num1 '0') e.Num2 '0' = <BinAdd (e.Num1) e.Num2> '0';
  (e.Num1 '0') e.Num2 '1' = <BinAdd (e.Num1) e.Num2> '1';
  (e.Num1 '1') e.Num2 '0' = <BinAdd (e.Num1) e.Num2> '1';
  (e.Num1 '1') e.Num2 '1' = <BinAdd (<BinAdd (e.Num1) '1'>) e.Num2> '0';
  (/* empty */) e.Num2 = e.Num2;
  (e.Num1) /* empty */ = e.Num1;

Translation to English of this hunk of this paper is prepared by Jessica Jimenez Kuthko kuthko@mail.ru at 2018-01-17

Other types of symbols: numbers

We have already used some definitions; symbols, characters as synonyms. But it is actually not completely true. Refal can operate not only with the characters, but also with other types of symbols.

According to Refal symbol is an object, which cannot be spread out on small parts using a pattern. Except characters Refal also has number symbols and word symbols. Word symbols would be explored in the next paragraph.

Number symbol or macrodigit is a number in the range between 0 and 2³²−1 written in decimal form. For example, 1, 10, 65536, 4294967295 (the biggest macrodigit).

For the comfort by work in Refal, there are some integrated arithmetic functions:

The reader could be interested what for the “macrodigit” is meant here. It involves arithmetic function that implements arbitrary-precision arithmetic — work with numbers of arbitrary length. Macrodigits are used for the representation of such numbers.

Just as in the usual decimal notation the number 1864 means

1864 = 1×10³ + 8×10² + 6×10 + 4

in Refal a long number like 10000000000000000000000 is represented as 542 434162106 2990538752, what means

10000000000000000000000 = 542×(2³²)² + 434162106×2³² + 2990538752

moreover the radix is not 10, but 2³². To write negative numbers literal '-' should be put in the beginning of the macrodigit chain, at the beginning of a positive number can be written optional sign '+'.

That means that in the general case numbers are chains of terms of arbitrary length (e-variables), only small positive numbers are represented as single character (fit one macrodigit).

Functions Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, Divmod and Compare receive two numbers. If the first one is a small positive (macrodigit), then it is written as a macrodigit too. Otherwise, the first argument is written as a bracket term. The second argument is written after the first.

Function Divmod returns quotient in brackets and remainder.

Function Compare returns the sign of the difference of the first and second numbers '+', '0' or '-', when the first is greater, equal or less than the second.

Function Numb takes a string. If the string starts with an optional sign and decimal digits, the function returns the number represented by these numbers. Otherwise, (if the argument doesn’t begin with a decimal number) the function returns 0.

Function Symb the inverse or the function Numb, converts a number to decimal record.

Example 12. Some function calls and their results nearby:

<Add 1 2>                          3
<Sub 1 2>                          '-' 1
<Add 1 2 3>                        2 4
<Add (1) 2 3>                      2 4
<Add (2 3) 1>                      2 4
<Add ('-' 7) 17>                   10
<Mul (1 1) 1 1>                    1 2 1
<Div (1 2 3) 1 1>                  1 1
<Mod (1 2 3) 1 1                   2
<Divmod (1 2 3) 1 1>               (1 1) 2
<Compare 10 13>                    '-'
<Compare (0 0 100) 0 100>          '0'
<Compare (1 2) 1 0 0>              '-'
<Numb '10abcdef'>                  10
<Numb '-11113'>                    '-' 11113
<Numb 'not a number>               0
<Numb '10000000000000000000000'>   542 434162106 2990538752
<Symb 123456>                      '123456'
<Symb '-' 1 1>                     '-4294967297'
<Symb 542 434162106 2990538752>    '10000000000000000000000'

Example 13. A function to compute the factorial. Recall that the factorial of N (denoted N!, read “n factorial”) is the product of all numbers from 0 to N inclusive. I. e. N! = 1×2×…×(N−1)×N. It is considered that 0! = 1.

One can notice that N! = 1×2×…×(N−1)×N = (1×2×…×(N−1))×N = (N−1)!×N. At the same, 1! = (1-1)!×1 = 0!×1 = 1×1 = 1. We can use it to write a function.

Fact {
  0 = 1;
  s.N = <Mul (<Fact <Sub s.N 1>>) s.N>;

  = <Prout '1!   = ' <Symb <Fact 1>>>
    <Prout '10!  = ' <Symb <Fact 10>>>
    <Prout '100! = ' <Symb <Fact 100>>>

You can notice that the first argument of the function Mul we wrapped in parentheses, what we haven’t done with the first argument Sub. Why? Because

13! = 6227020800 > 4294967296 = 232.

For arguments, which are bigger than 12, the factorial will no longer fit one macrodigit. The function’s Sub first argument always fits macrodigit, because it is originally set by macrodigit and at each step of recursion, it is only decreasing. The program above fact.ref will print on the screen the following (the last line is too long, for the comfort of reading it is split into parts)

1!   = 1
10!  = 3628800
100! = 9332621544394415268169923885626670049071596826438162146859↓

Other types of symbols: words

While programming in Refal the user often has a necessity to mark different types of objects or conditions: it is possible for a function to end successfully or not. State machine can possibly have different conditions. A program can manipulate different types of objects (representation of tokens during the lexical analysis, of node of the parse tree during syntax analysis etc.).

For example, we need to write a function, which reads the configuration file and is called this way:

<ReadConfig e.FileName>

This function can successfully read the configuration file or return configuration data (we won’t review the way they are organized). The function can find out, that the configuration file does not exist (in this case the program would use default configuration). It can also happen, that file has wrong format and it cannot be read – the program has to return clear error message and end.

Consequently, the function has to return three different results, which must be distinguished by the user. In the first case – configuration data. In the second case – a sign, that the file does not exist. In the third case – the message about the syntax error in the file.

These cases can be easily enumerated. In the first case the function would return macrodigit 1 and data, in the second one – only macrodigit 2 and in the third one – number 3 and the error message. The function results can be distinguished, but the main disadvantage of such decision is that the numbers don’t talk for themselves. The programmer has to remember that number 3 for these functions indicates a syntax error, and number 2 indicates the absence of the file, no other way. What if there are more of such kind of functions? You will have to learn the meaning of each number in relation to each function.

It is possible to return a sequence of characters. For example, in the first case it should return 'Success' (e.Configuration) in the second - 'File not found', in the third one – 'Syntax error' (e.ErrorMessage). Text strings talk for themselves, it becomes easy to understand the program. But this solution also has a disadvantage – strings – expressions of arbitrary length. When the function returns different data of arbitrary length, for example, the configuration or the error message, they must be separated by parentheses. Moreover, it is excess to convey dozens of characters, when for the difference the only one is enough.

To distinguish is needed the only one. Should we cut till the first letter? Then instead of 'Success' (e.Configuration) we will write 'S' e.Configuration, instead of 'File not found' will write 'F' instead of 'Syntax error (e.ErrorMessage) write 'S' e.ErrorMessage. But what’s then the difference between the first and the last case? They both begin with the sign 'S', which may be followed by the expression of arbitrary length. The shortening till the first letter did not succeed – we have to choose some other letters. But then appears the same problem as with the numbers – single letters hardly talk for themselves.

To solve this problem in Refal are the symbols-words symbols-identifiers, compound symbols). These are the symbols, which are compared with the usual s-variable, but they have the text representation of the word without the quotes. The appearance of identifier is exactly the same as the name of the function: it consists of letters, numbers, dashes and hyphens, but it must begin with a letter or underscore. Examples of identifiers: Success, FILE_NOT_FOUND, syntax-error, True, False, Error-404-Not-found, o_0 etc.

Now it is obviously, that for our function ReadConfig in the returned value you need to use identifiers. For example, Success e.Config, FileNotFound and SyntaxError e.Message.

Refal-5λ as the classic REFAL-5 allows the usage of arbitrary character strings as identifiers. This string must be enclosed in double quotes: "This is one symbol:-)". Practically they are rarely used, but they can be useful, when you want to use the combination of signs as a characteristic-identifier, which cannot be written without quotation marks. For example, "*=", "C++", "=0?" etc. The words can be written in quotation marks, when they could possibly be written without any and they would be identical to the words without quotes – "Success", "SyntaxError".

Translation to English of this hunk of this paper is prepared by Ksenia Kalinina ks-kalinina@mail.ru at 2018-01-18

Escape sequences

At first glance, it was impossible to write a character representing a single quote or a composed character containing a double quote. But that’s not true. We can use escape sequences (special marking for some symbols) in a chain of letters and composed characters.

Escape sequence looks like characters \, followed by one or more other signs. All of them make up a single character (if it is written in single quotes), or one of the characters in a compound symbol. In Refal-5λ following escape sequence are permissible:

It is clear that we can use double quotation mark without screening (symbol \) into single quotes and vice versa. Language allows using \" into apostrophes and vice versa for uniformity.

Example 13.

Translation to English of this hunk of this paper is prepared by Anastasia Dudkina anastasia.vlad2014@yandex.ru at 2018-02-08

The abstract refal-machine. View field semantics

This section has alternative translations one, two.

We have referred earlier to the functions in the right part of a sentence which are calculated somehow after a substitution of variables. Now it’s time to clarify exactly how, because without this it is impossible to write effective programs and debug programs in Refal-5λ.

It is said that the Refal program is executed by the abstract refal-machine — the imaginary calculating machine that may understand the Refal syntax. This machine has two areas of memory: program field, storing all the definitions of functions of the program, and a view field, storing the current status of computation. The status of computation is described as the active expression — the Refal expression which contains activation brackets, but at the same time cannot contain variables.

Refal-maсhine executes the program step-by-step. Each step is the execution of the following sequence of actions.

  1. The Refal machine finds the leftmost pair of activation brackets in the field of view, one that does not include other angle brackets in this call.This section of a view field is called the primary active sub-expression.
  2. The Refal-maсhine observes what is on the right of the left activation bracket : there should be the function name. If it is not there (language allows to write such a program), then the refal-machine stops with an error “recognition impossible”.
  3. The Refal-maсhine finds a function name in the program field.The function can either be written in Refal or built-in. If it is the built-in function – the refal-machine transfers control on the procedure in machine code implementing the logic of this function. If the function is written on Refal, the machine selects the first sentence of the function.
  4. If it is possible to choose such values of variables in the left part of the current sentence that it might become the function argument, then the point 5 has been implemented. Otherwise, the following sentence is selected and point 4 repeats. If there are no sentences anymore, then the refal-machine stops with the error “recognition impossible”.
  5. The found values of variables are added to the right part of the current sentence. The Refal-machine inserts received expression into the view field at the place of the primary active subexpression.
  6. If there are activation brackets in the view field, then the refal-machine executes the following step – returns to the point 1. Otherwise, the refal-machine correctly comes to the end.

Initial contents of a view field is the GO function call with an empty argument:


if there is defined GO function, or Go call in the program:


if the Go function is defined. If there is neither that, nor other function, then the program won’t be started.


  1. Classical REFAL-5 doesn’t support empty functions, any function must to have at least one sentence. Refal-5λ supports – the call of such function leads to the error “recognition impossible”.
  2. The current implementation at the time of the program creation can’t check that the GO or Go function is absent in the program. In this case there will be created the program which at start will display the error message and then will come to the end. Perhaps, it will be corrected in the following versions.

It is possible to make two important conclusions from this algorithm.

Firstly, the primary active subexpression selects the leftmost pair of activation brackets that does not contain any other activation brackets. It follows that the Refal – is an applicative language, and an order of function computations is accurately defined: from left to right. I.e. if there are several calls of functions in the right part of the sentence, then they will be calculated from left to right, from the most internal to the most external. Therefore we can use functions with side effect, (for example, Prout) knowing when this side effect is carried out.

Secondly, it immediately follows from semantics of a view field that Refal implements so-called optimization of a tail recursion.

In many imperative programming languages the recursion is quite expensive — it requires the overhead of maintaining the calculation context – points where process of execution has to return after the completion of a tail call. And the memory for this preservation is given out from limited area – a system stack. The programmer, as a rule, can’t control the size of a system stack, and at its overflow the program abnormally comes to the end. Therefore, in such languages, you should not use a recursion to implement cyclically repeated actions (especially since there are iterative operators for this in imperative languages).

The Refal functions do not need to keep a calculation context to return a value as the function that performs a recursive call is terminated before the next recursive call. And it means that if the recursive call in the right part of the sentence is executed the last, incomplete calculations won’t collect in the view field. I.e. In fact there won’t be observed the recursion (the enclosed contexts), but a cycle will be observed.

Example 13. We will illustrate it with the simplest example – we will consider the process of function evaluation of Fab replacing all characters 'a' with characters 'b' (fab-1.ref program):

  = <Prout <Fab 'abracadabra'>>;

Fab {
  'a' e.Rest = 'b' <Fab e.Rest>;
  s.Other e.Rest = s.Other <Fab e.Rest>;
  /* empty */ = /* empty */;

The Go function call will be initial content of a view field:


Refal-machine on the first step will find this call (it will be the primary active subexpression), will see the name Go after < and will find the Go function in a program field. The function is called with an empty argument, the first sentence has empty left part. There are no variables on the left and right parts, therefore refal-machine just replace call <Go> with the right part of a sentence:

<Prout <Fab 'abracadabra'>>

The Fab function call as it doesn’t contain the enclosed activation brackets will be the primary active subexpression here (the call Prout contains in itself activation brackets of a Fab call).

Refal-machine will see Fab after < and will try to match the argument 'abracadabra' with the left part of the first sentence 'a' e.Rest. The recognition is possible: if instead e.Rest substitute 'bracadabra', then the left part turns into an argument. Refal-machine applies specified substitution (e.rest →'bracadabra') to the right part of the sentence – then we get such expression 'b' <fab 'bracadabra'> and it replaces a function call for this expression:

<Prout 'b' <Fab 'bracadabra'>>

On the third step Fab function call will be primary active subexpression again. But the left part of the first sentence cannot be matched with an argument: the pattern begins with 'a', but an argument – with 'b'. The second sentence is chosen. The recognition is possible: there is a substitution of the s.Other → 'b', e.Rest → 'racadabra'. Substitution is applied to the right part, the result of the substitution ('b' <fab 'racadabra'>) is added in the view field instead of primary active subexpression:

<Prout 'bb' <Fab 'racadabra'>>

Several following steps are executed in the same way:

<Prout 'bbr' <Fab 'acadabra'>>
<Prout 'bbrb' <Fab 'cadabra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbc' <Fab 'adabra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcb' <Fab 'dabra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcbd' <Fab 'abra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcbdb' <Fab 'bra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcbdbb' <Fab 'ra'>>
<Prout 'bbrbcbdbbr' <Fab 'a'>>

At this stage the refal-machine will execute the first sentence of the Fab function, substitution will be interesting because e.Rest will receive a value of empty expression.

<Prout 'bbrbcbdbbrb' <Fab>>

The refal-machine will perform the Fab function, but the first sentence doesn’t match (it is impossible to match the expression which begins on 'a', with empty expression), the second – too (it is impossible to match the expression which begins of a symbol with an empty expression). And here the third will match – an empty left part is well matched with an empty argument. And the refal-machine will replace a call of the <Fab> function with an empty right part of the third sentence:

<Prout 'bbrbcbdbbrb'>

Now the Prout function call will be the primary active subexpression. Refal-machine will notice that it is the built-in function and will call the appropriate computer operation for calculation of its result. The computer operation will print on the screen 'bbrbcbdbbrb' and will return an empty expression. Prout call under the view field will be replaced with an empty expression.

The view field will become empty – the refal-machine will correctly stop.

Tail and not tail recursion

This section has alternative translations one, two.

During the tail recursion, as it is told above, the recursive call in the right part is executed the last. We will show visually why it is so. We will consider the Rec1 function which executes a F function call in the right part and itself:

Rec1 {
  continuation = <F ...> <Rec1 ...>;
  ending= rec1-res;

Development of a view field will look approximately so:

<Rec1 ...>
<F ...> <Rec1 ...>
f-res <Rec1 ...>
f-res <F ...> <Rec1 ...>
f-res f-res <Rec1 ...>
. . . . .
f-res f-res .... f-res rec1-res

One might see that not calculated calls of functions don’t collect anywhere. On each step before a call of Rec1, there is the ‘F’ call which comes to the end before Rec1 call.

We will consider the Rec2 function which slightly differs from the Rec1 function:

Rec2 {
  continuation = <Rec2 ...> <F ...>;
  ending = rec2-res

Here on the contrary – at first Rec2, then F is called. And the view field will develop absolutely differently:

<Rec2 ...>
<Rec2 ...> <F ...>
<Rec2 ...> <F ...> <F ...>
. . . . . .
<Rec2 ...> <F ...> <F ...> ... <F ...>
rec2-res <F ...> <F ...> ... <F ...>
rec2-res f-res <F ...> ... <F ...>
. . . . . .
rec2-res f-res ... f-res <F ...>
rec2-res f-res ... f-res f-res

Here already the uncalculated F calls are collecting, and they are collecting until the Rec2 function doesn’t stop to call itself recursively.

Similarly it turns out with the enclosed calls of functions. A recursion in Rec3 function is tail:

Rec3 {
  continuation = <Rec3 ... <F ...> ...>;
  ending = rec3-res;

<Rec3 ...>
<Rec3 ... <F ...> ...>
<Rec3 ... f-res ...>
<Rec3 ... <F ...> ...>
. . . . .
<Rec3 ... f-res ...>

Recursion in Rec4 function is not tail:

Rec4 {
  continuation = <F ... <Rec4 ...> ...>;
  ending = rec4-res;

<Rec4 ...>
<F ... <Rec4 ...> ...>
<F ... <F ... <Rec4 ...> ...> ...>
. . . . . .
<F ... <F ... ... <F ... rec4-res ...> ... ...> ...>
. . . . . .
<F ... <F ... f-res ...> ...>
<F ... f-res ...>

What is written above shouldn’t be taken to mean that a tail recursion – is always good, and not tail – is always bad. It is important to understand that in the first case process cyclic, the view field on each iteration comes back to a similar state, and in the second case it expands.

We will consider the tail recursion as the cycles in the future. There are no classical imperative cycles in Refal-5λ therefore such terminology shouldn’t cause any confusion. It is just more convenient to speak in such cases about cyclic processes and to use the term iteration, etc.

Translation to English of this hunk of this paper is prepared by Maria Ivanova ya.ivanovamaria96@yandex.ru at 2018-01-17

Object, pattern, active and result expressions

Before we continue studying Refal-5λ, it is necessary to institute several important definitions. We’ve considered different types of Refal expressions that can contain different syntactic constructions. Now it’s time to introduce strict categorization.

Note: the word ‘pattern’ is often used as a synonym for ‘left part’, and ‘the result’ is often used as a synonym for the right part. This is also the correct terminology, and the meaning of the word is usually clear from the context.

All four types of expressions can be imaged as a figure:

object expression: variables Pattern expression: symbols → → → → → → → → → symbols, round brackets and round brackets and variables ↓ ↓ ↓ call brackets ↓ call brackets ↓ ↓ Active expression: variables Result expression: Symbols,round → → → → → → → → → symbols, round and angular and angular brackets brackets, variables

Object and active expressions exist only during the execution of a program such as function arguments and the content of the view field (the content of static boxes and stack could be added we will consider later.) While pattern and result expressions exist only in source code as left and right parts of sentences. The reason for this is that there were variables. Pattern expression is a template that describes multiple object expressions. Result expression is template from which active expression is built.

Translation to English of this hunk of this paper is prepared by Anastasia Dudkina anastasia.vlad2014@yandex.ru at 2018-02-08